Compass For Life
Compass for Life is a framework that we are planning to introduce to Byron Court this year. The programme will be taught as part of pupils PSHE lessons, starting in spring 2021. The programme provides pupils with a formula that empowers them to take responsibility for their own learning, and to achieve their ambitions in partnership with their teachers. It is not limited to just academic goals, it also develops personal goals too.
The programme helps children o learn about different careers in the world, from speaking to people in the various fields, visiting work places and sharing their aspirations with each other.
Through helping children to think about their future, and learn about possible careers, children are inspired and empowered to follow their dreams. The most wonderful thing about the programme is that it also supports the teachers on their own journey and provides a common language to ensure that all children can be heard. It also supports every aspect of learning in the current curriculum and gives meaning to the subjects the children are being taught.
Based on a a unique approach, Compass for Life brings together the best aspects of leadership training currently available into a simple, concise, and effective framework. It complements all current leadership methodology by aligning them with each cardinal so that everyone can have a compass for life that works for them as an individual, family, team or organisation.
The programme uses the cardinals of the compass to help children aspire, plan a strategy and develop the right attitude to learning.
The 4 cardinals of the compass
1. Super North Star: Knowing what we want – What are our dreams or ambitions?
2. Ethos: Knowing who we are – what we are willing and not willing to do in order to achieve what we want.
3. Strategist: Preparing and planning how we are going to go about things as we work towards our Super North Star
4. Warrior: Taking action boldly and passionately
Felix Baumgartner, drew this picture when he was 5 years old, he drew his Super North Star. He developed his strategy, built a great ethos and worked to achieve his dream. Watch the video below and see Felix achieve his dream!
Mr Boxall is currently working with a group of children in year 5 & 6 to pilot the project at Byron Court, in partnership with pupils from Harrow School, this term. The children have started by looking at the top 66 jobs children across the UK aspire to. It was really interesting to begin to explore a whole range of jobs they had never heard of! Pupils are learning about various jobs and preparing to share their learning with the school in assemblies.
In addition to this, year 6 also interviewed Michel Roux, on a video link recently, finding out about what it takes to be a chef and what inspired him to become one! Michel gave the children a fantastic insight into his career as well as some top tips to help them i the kitchen at home.
Across the school the children have all thought about who inspires them or who they admire. Their drawings and writing are on their classroom doors. This is to inspire them in their learning, parents will be able to see these when we are able to welcome you in again next term. In the mean time do ask your child about:
- Who they admire
- What they want to be when they grow up
To support us in the project, we will be asking for parents and carers to let us know about their careers and seeking out anyone who is willing to come in ad chat to classes about their jobs or even invite a group of children to your place of work for an interview! If you want to be involved, do let us know.
.... finally, this question is for the parents and carers in our community. What do you want to be when you grow up?